The Portland Food Co-op is operated by a team of around 40 paid employees from a variety of backgrounds, working together to offer our Member-Owners and shoppers the best local, organic, and natural products in town. 

We are committed to providing a welcoming, friendly, and supportive environment to all who visit our store. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Co-ops can be intimidating for those who have never been to one before, and we understand that. We do things like let folks bring in containers from home, to fill in our bulk department. We sell lots of dairy products in glass jars that can be returned. We have a rewards program for people who shop with SNAP benefits. We know that you will have questions and we are here to answer them.

We receive many compliments about having the most friendly and helpful staff around. Come on in and find out for yourself!


Leadership team


JOHN Crane | General Manager (he/him)

Jan Peyton Rowley | Finance Manager (she/her)

BEN STOWE | Information Systems Manager (he/him)

NiCole HOLMES | marketing & community engagement coordinator (SHE/HER)

Em Seekins | Front-End Manager (they/them)

Ryan Ference | Produce Manager (he/him)

Anna Williams | Center Store Manager + Wellness Buyer (she/her)


NORMAN makepa Gonsalves | HR & engagement Manager (he/him)

Willa Tarasevich | Point of sale CooRDINATOR (SHE/her)

SAM GREIFF | refrigerated & Meat Buyer (HE/HIM)

Josh Peterson | BULK Buyer (HE/HIM)

Isabella wilkinson | specialty & Beer&wine buyer (she/HER)

Alex Lawsure | Produce Buyer (she/her)