2025 CO-OP Board election

Consider Running for a Seat on Our Board!

“I joined the PFC board because I was looking for ways to volunteer and give back to local business and felt that I could contribute with my skills in business management."

WHY become a candidate?

  1. Do you love being a member of the Co-op?

  2. Do you want to help guide the Co-op’s success? 

  3. Do you understand or are willing to learn the role and responsibilities of a board?

If you answered yes, you would make an excellent Portland Food Co-op Board candidate!

We suggest a few steps to prepare you for success. Please refer to the next section below.

Candidacy Eligibility & Requirements

To Run for a Seat on Our Board, You:

  • Must be a Portland Food Co-op Member-Owner in good standing (equity payments up to date and have shopped within the past year)

  • Must not have an overriding conflict of interest

  • Can provide a three-year commitment to serving on the Board

  • Must have a familiarity with and commitment to adherence to the Co-op’s Bylaws and Governance Policies

  • Can commit to 8-10 hours per month for preparation for and active participation in each monthly Board Meeting

  • Must have the scheduling flexibility to attend occasional Board training sessions, the all-day annual Board Retreat (held on a Sunday, date TBD), and the annual Member-Owner Meeting, held on the evening of Saturday, April 29, 2025.

  • Must have the willingness to read and understand financial statements (training provided)

  • Must have access to the internet, proficiency with Google Drive (the Board uses Google Drive as the primary channel for all of its work), and availability to respond to frequent Board-related online communications within 24 hours

  • Must have the willingness and capability to manage a separate assigned @portlandfood.coop email address for your Board work

  • Must have the willingness to take responsibility for Board duties and to work together with understanding, mutual support, and respect

  • Must have an understanding of and willingness to abide by the Board’s Policy Governance Model and Consensus Model as guideposts for our work

  • Must have the ability to keep information and materials confidential

  • Must be willing to work as part of a consensus-based team

  • Should take some time to get to know the current Board Members you will be working alongside

Next Steps for Candidate Eligibility

the application form will be availabe here on wednesday, january 15th


    The packet will be available on this page on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025.


    The Co-op’s upcoming Board Meetings will be on Tuesday, January 28th and Tuesday, February 25th from 6:30–8:30pm. Attending one Board meeting is required if you have not attended one in the past twelve months.

    Please email us at board@portlandfood.coop to let us know you plan to attend.


    This connects you with a current Board Member. They will reach out to share more about what it means to be a Co-op Board Member.

    Fill out the interest form here.


    Click here to access the application form.

How to Apply & Additional Information

Why did you join our Board?

  • "I love the Co-op...it is a part of home for me and is one of the only community places that aligns with my values."

  • "I feel that my key skills of being detail-oriented, keeping things on track, and policy review lend themselves well to the PFC. I am also curious and want to learn more about the "Co-op Model"

  • "Nutrition equity, food and land sovereignty, and supporting small farmers are top social issues for me. I feel I have a well-rounded skill set to take on various roles, and I have a knack for keeping things organized."

  • "I felt called to be on the board of the Portland Food Co-op because it is an organization whose mission and values align with my own."

  • "I wanted to understand better how the co-op system works and to serve the Portland community in a meaningful way. I also wanted to meet people who share my love for documentation and policy drafting.”

  • “I joined the PFC board because I was looking for ways to volunteer and give back to local business and felt that I could contribute with my skills in business management."

Have questions? Email board@portlandfood.coop